hi. since lately ak baget2 busy dgn final year project. mmg tgh risau gile coz satu pon x buat lgi..then khamis ni first presentation. haha. nicekn? haha hari ini tetibe terada mood nk tulis blog. coz nk cite something since semua social network dh ade pengikut so dh xde tmpat private nk luahkan perasaan haha. nk maki pon nnt kantoi plak kn.. hewhewhew.. this few days..ak rase something happen to me..yg x brape penting sgt la dgn hidup korng. tpi ak rase sgt2 terharu+terkejut+unpecayarable+i have my heart back. before this seriously i hv lost my heart for friends. no soul. hati aku hilang. tiada jiwa. but this few day, ak ade try mintak tolong ngn sorng kwn yg aku x pernah nk cube tegor or bercakap sgt dgn dia. yang selalunya dia yang akan hulur tgn utk salam. tegor "hi bro..whats up.." dgn aku hanya berbalas senyuman je n tersengeh  "hehee.." smbil tunjuk peace. ak mintak nak pinjam camera coz nk record video ngn dia. but then dia kasi ngn offer diri lgi nk tolong shoot kn tok aku.. till now ape aku nk utk video dia kate okay n set time je bro. mmg nmpk mcm x penting kn? n alaa xde bende sgt kan?...aku x tau nk describe mcm mne keadaan ni. tpi kitorng tgh busy dgn project masing2 in case khamis ni lgi nk kene presentation dgn prof. dia dgn rela nk tolong org lain punye project?. if you are busying with ur fyp ade ke masa nk tolong org lain punye? wa kasi lu wa punye camere lu pandai2 la shoot sndri maa.. mesti itu ape yg korng buat. and ade a few jgk walaupon sibuk2 still boleh tolong utk belakon dlm aku punye project. aku hanya tak sangka ada kawan mcm  ni kat luar sana. tapi mungkin sebab aku yg terlalu strict tentang "my rules" and patut tukar menteliti yang ade pada aku skg. kadang2 ak x tau mcm mne nk jadi nice dgn org. tpi dgn sesetgh yg lain they feel very enjoy with me. they can laugh with me. and i feel that too. tapi ada dgn sesetgh ak x rase mcm dorng ikhlas nk berkawan. sbb ak dpt rase bnde tu. and x rase enjoy bile dgn dorng. kenapa ade bnde2 mcm tu? it because of me? or because of they are about me?

hi. since lately ak baget2 busy dgn final year project. mmg tgh risau gile coz satu pon x buat lgi..then khamis ni first presentation. haha. nicekn? haha hari ini tetibe terada mood nk tulis blog. coz nk cite something since semua social network dh ade pengikut so dh xde tmpat private nk luahkan perasaan haha. nk maki pon nnt kantoi plak kn.. hewhewhew.. this few days..ak rase something happen to me..yg x brape penting sgt la dgn hidup korng. tpi ak rase sgt2 terharu+terkejut+unpecayarable+i have my heart back. before this seriously i hv lost my heart for friends. no soul. hati aku hilang. tiada jiwa. but this few day, ak ade try mintak tolong ngn sorng kwn yg aku x pernah nk cube tegor or bercakap sgt dgn dia. yang selalunya dia yang akan hulur tgn utk salam. tegor "hi bro..whats up.." dgn aku hanya berbalas senyuman je n tersengeh  "hehee.." smbil tunjuk peace. ak mintak nak pinjam camera coz nk record video ngn dia. but then dia kasi ngn offer diri lgi nk tolong shoot kn tok aku.. till now ape aku nk utk video dia kate okay n set time je bro. mmg nmpk mcm x penting kn? n alaa xde bende sgt kan?...aku x tau nk describe mcm mne keadaan ni. tpi kitorng tgh busy dgn project masing2 in case khamis ni lgi nk kene presentation dgn prof. dia dgn rela nk tolong org lain punye project?. if you are busying with ur fyp ade ke masa nk tolong org lain punye? wa kasi lu wa punye camere lu pandai2 la shoot sndri maa.. mesti itu ape yg korng buat. and ade a few jgk walaupon sibuk2 still boleh tolong utk belakon dlm aku punye project. aku hanya tak sangka ada kawan mcm  ni kat luar sana. tapi mungkin sebab aku yg terlalu strict tentang "my rules" and patut tukar menteliti yang ade pada aku skg. kadang2 ak x tau mcm mne nk jadi nice dgn org. tpi dgn sesetgh yg lain they feel very enjoy with me. they can laugh with me. and i feel that too. tapi ada dgn sesetgh ak x rase mcm dorng ikhlas nk berkawan. sbb ak dpt rase bnde tu. and x rase enjoy bile dgn dorng. kenapa ade bnde2 mcm tu? it because of me? or because of they are about me?

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im a hot temper and saya suke mariah carey.........

This is life guys

In this world only the fittest will survive.. If you are strong you live, if you are weak you DIE!!