Welcome to dorani!!..

Kampung sungai hj dorani home stay..this is the second im came here, for the first time when all my classmate and i come to dinner at the of the year banquet. such an awesome memories. :) 

in Dilemma =_=...

Alamak!~ D60 or Melbourne??? in dilemma rite now...huh~~...

 msu ade buat trip ke Melbourne, x payah laa nk cite how much cost it is...but it's totally worth it . but at the same time..i want the D60!!!...damn!..mane nak cari duit!! ni..aduh....kalau beli d60..x dpt laa gi Melbourne, kalau gi melbourne  lambat laa dapat beli d60~~~..aduhh~...but i wanna setup my business from my d60..pape pon masih dalam pemikiran lgi...and still in family discussion...tpi x cite lgi la kat mama..hahaha..tah bagi ke x .kang  die jeles..coz anak die meroyan sampi ke melbourne..hehehehe...but this year..im very excited for all the 2011 activity ..hehe..trip wit my besties..if jadi laa..haha we are going to tioman!..huhu..trip ke melbourne if ade duit laa hehe..and plus..family holiday lgi!!..huhu!!..hahaha...and trip msu again~~...ke terengganu...hehehe...nk blaja ke bejalan ni..haih..hahah but my mother said ..''kau time ni je laa bejalan..klo dh keje nnt..mmg x de mase laa kau nk bejalan...'' papepon...im in dilemma...ouh god..help me...

Welcome to dorani!!..

Kampung sungai hj dorani home stay..this is the second im came here, for the first time when all my classmate and i come to dinner at the of the year banquet. such an awesome memories. :) 

in Dilemma =_=...

Alamak!~ D60 or Melbourne??? in dilemma rite now...huh~~...
 msu ade buat trip ke Melbourne, x payah laa nk cite how much cost it is...but it's totally worth it . but at the same time..i want the D60!!!...damn!..mane nak cari duit!! ni..aduh....kalau beli d60..x dpt laa gi Melbourne, kalau gi melbourne  lambat laa dapat beli d60~~~..aduhh~...but i wanna setup my business from my d60..pape pon masih dalam pemikiran lgi...and still in family discussion...tpi x cite lgi la kat mama..hahaha..tah bagi ke x .kang  die jeles..coz anak die meroyan sampi ke melbourne..hehehehe...but this year..im very excited for all the 2011 activity ..hehe..trip wit my besties..if jadi laa..haha we are going to tioman!..huhu..trip ke melbourne if ade duit laa hehe..and plus..family holiday lgi!!..huhu!!..hahaha...and trip msu again~~...ke terengganu...hehehe...nk blaja ke bejalan ni..haih..hahah but my mother said ..''kau time ni je laa bejalan..klo dh keje nnt..mmg x de mase laa kau nk bejalan...'' papepon...im in dilemma...ouh god..help me...

About Me

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im a hot temper and saya suke mariah carey.........

This is life guys

In this world only the fittest will survive.. If you are strong you live, if you are weak you DIE!!