The flaw of life.

Hello guys. im back for blogging. :)
in this post just wanna share about life in my perception (not reception okay).

Just remember that no one is perfect. Everyone has a lack of something.
-Some couple are very loving. with handsome earning, but they could h have problem bearing child.
-Some people have the look and talent, but could have rough time in relationship.
-Some people have a lot of money, but they don't have filial children.
-Some people look to have a good life. but their brain could be empty all their life.

Everyone life has been designed with imperfection.
you may not want it, but it will follow you.
try to learnt how to accept it with open arms.
The flaw in life is like spike in our back, reminding us to be humble and empathetic with other.
having a crack is not suck for you. but it's about to let happiness flow to other. believe me guys. it's beautiful thing.

Seriously You don't have to have everything, if you have everything what's left for the other.
also recognize that life has flaw that you shall not compare yourself with other...
instead cherish what you already have.
ou will find that there are more thing that you have, than thing that you don't have.
and what you do not have. although not lovable, is very much part of your life.
Accept and Appreciate it. and your life will be much happier. The End -Aizat Johari-

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The flaw of life.

Hello guys. im back for blogging. :)
in this post just wanna share about life in my perception (not reception okay).

Just remember that no one is perfect. Everyone has a lack of something.
-Some couple are very loving. with handsome earning, but they could h have problem bearing child.
-Some people have the look and talent, but could have rough time in relationship.
-Some people have a lot of money, but they don't have filial children.
-Some people look to have a good life. but their brain could be empty all their life.

Everyone life has been designed with imperfection.
you may not want it, but it will follow you.
try to learnt how to accept it with open arms.
The flaw in life is like spike in our back, reminding us to be humble and empathetic with other.
having a crack is not suck for you. but it's about to let happiness flow to other. believe me guys. it's beautiful thing.

Seriously You don't have to have everything, if you have everything what's left for the other.
also recognize that life has flaw that you shall not compare yourself with other...
instead cherish what you already have.
ou will find that there are more thing that you have, than thing that you don't have.
and what you do not have. although not lovable, is very much part of your life.
Accept and Appreciate it. and your life will be much happier. The End -Aizat Johari-

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In this world only the fittest will survive.. If you are strong you live, if you are weak you DIE!!