Pullman with besties yaww!

hi guys. long time no see yeah.. hehe.. selase lepas... 11/10/2011.. one of my bestiesss convo!!! congrzz congrzz..adehh bile laa time ak ni..lmbat betol..padahal masuk time sme.. walaupun lain2 univ. time tu kitorng gi lepak2 king kat pull man! putrajayaa tempat mmg superb! broo.. #thanks for the architect!! but seriously time tu dh senje..die punye mood tuh..adehh..cantik dohh color die..  terpikit amboo

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Pullman with besties yaww!

hi guys. long time no see yeah.. hehe.. selase lepas... 11/10/2011.. one of my bestiesss convo!!! congrzz congrzz..adehh bile laa time ak ni..lmbat betol..padahal masuk time sme.. walaupun lain2 univ. time tu kitorng gi lepak2 king kat pull man! putrajayaa tempat mmg superb! broo.. #thanks for the architect!! but seriously time tu dh senje..die punye mood tuh..adehh..cantik dohh color die..  terpikit amboo

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im a hot temper and saya suke mariah carey.........

This is life guys

In this world only the fittest will survive.. If you are strong you live, if you are weak you DIE!!