kenape saya buat blog blik?? sebab..? hmm...

kenape saya buat blog bored in semester break!! OoO 'M' gee!! dok rumah aje..the whole day asik on9 fb then of9 blik..then on blik..pastu on twitter..then update skit then off9..then x penah2 plak active online ms..time ni laa rajin on9 myspace...pastu trun bawah makan..then naik atas blik..then mlm tido the next day do same routine huh~..suddently  im decide to create a blog for my addict!!..this blog is created to show all my design, my photography and also my routine life lah..not like the older im more mature and more relax than the old one..hope so :| created this to share the all my work to the world!!..i wanna be the man of  VALUE!!

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kenape saya buat blog blik?? sebab..? hmm...

kenape saya buat blog bored in semester break!! OoO 'M' gee!! dok rumah aje..the whole day asik on9 fb then of9 blik..then on blik..pastu on twitter..then update skit then off9..then x penah2 plak active online ms..time ni laa rajin on9 myspace...pastu trun bawah makan..then naik atas blik..then mlm tido the next day do same routine huh~..suddently  im decide to create a blog for my addict!!..this blog is created to show all my design, my photography and also my routine life lah..not like the older im more mature and more relax than the old one..hope so :| created this to share the all my work to the world!!..i wanna be the man of  VALUE!!

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im a hot temper and saya suke mariah carey.........

This is life guys

In this world only the fittest will survive.. If you are strong you live, if you are weak you DIE!!