Sg Bill waterfall, Perak!!..

haha minggu lepas..vacation trip ke~~.....SUNGKAI!!!! hehe tiap2 minggu gi holiday..gler x gler..biase laa cuti2 skolah ni..hahaha...but all this picture from sg bill waterfall,perak..x jauh kat sungkai tu..tpi x tau kat mne..haha jalan lame nk gi tanjung malan..haa kat situ laa..hehe

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Sg Bill waterfall, Perak!!..

haha minggu lepas..vacation trip ke~~.....SUNGKAI!!!! hehe tiap2 minggu gi holiday..gler x gler..biase laa cuti2 skolah ni..hahaha...but all this picture from sg bill waterfall,perak..x jauh kat sungkai tu..tpi x tau kat mne..haha jalan lame nk gi tanjung malan..haa kat situ laa..hehe

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im a hot temper and saya suke mariah carey.........

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In this world only the fittest will survive.. If you are strong you live, if you are weak you DIE!!